Use "tramp|tramped|tramping|tramps" in a sentence

1. He tramped hither and thither.

2. Tramps and drunk teamsters.

3. A tramping track runs along the river and forms the western branch of the Travers-Sabine tramping circuit.

4. Who's a tramp?

5. It don't apply to tramps like you.

6. That little tramp!

7. 6 He tramped up and down in the office.

8. Don't pamper scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.

9. Do you all want to be seen as tramps?

10. Hoboes, Bindlestiffs, Fruit Tramps, and the Harvesting of the West

11. Don't pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.

12. The tramp was arrested for vagrancy.

13. Angelina is a tramp and a liar.

14. Zali sloped along like an old tramp.

15. 7 In paris tramps often doss down under the bridges.

16. The tweedy tramp coat is an abhorrence.

17. However he recollected himself, and tramped through the wet to find a lodging.

18. We can do Lady and the Tramp.

19. The tramp was benumbed by the cold.

20. Those tramp steamers knock about southeast Asia.

21. Synonyms for Clomped include clumped, galumphed, stamped, trudged, clopped, clunked, lumbered, plodded, stomped and tramped

22. Those invigorating tramps across the springy heather merely whetted my appetite for more.

23. He looked like the worst kind of tramp.

24. The old tramp shambled wearily up the path.

25. The girls went for a tramp through the countryside.

26. The virago vomited out curses on that tramp.

27. The young tramp cast him a wary glance.

28. He's a tramp and used to living rough.

29. The streets echoed with the tramp of soldiers' feet.

30. To take a fundamental question about vagrancy: Why do tramps exist at all?

31. And they tramped off to the forests with sturdy youths Bearing guitars , twang - twang!

32. He recently decapitated a tramp on the London Underground.

33. Because you're dipping your penguin dick in that vampire tramp?

34. 1 The tramp was arraigned on a charge of stealing.

35. Antonyms for Crept include clomped, galloped, stamped, stomped, tramped, trudged, plodded, lumbered, clumped and shuffled

36. Synonyms for Clopped include clomped, clumped, galumphed, stamped, trudged, clunked, lumbered, plodded, stomped and tramped

37. Synonyms for Backpacked include tramped, walked, traipsed, hiked, marched, rambled, trekked, footslogged, strolled and yomped

38. Synonyms for Clopping include clomping, clumping, galumphing, stamping, trudging, clunking, lumbering, plodding, stomping and tramping

39. More folk tramp along the sandy track with their paraphernalia.

40. Traci called Lee Ann a tramp and a cradle-robber.

41. The tramp was found lying on the floor face downwards.

42. Product description Bootlegger Modular pack system featuring our Super-Tramp technology

43. Because you' re dipping your penguin dick in that vamper tramp?

44. The Almshouse also gave temporary shelter to vagrants, which at that time were called tramps

45. Argot (plural Argots) A secret language or conventional slang peculiar to thieves, tramps and vagabonds

46. Replace the soil around the roots and pack firmly by tramping to remove air pockets.

47. We wore rubber boots in order to tramp through the muddy roads.

48. And can't you dress more decently—people will think you're a tramp.

49. 9 Later the Phi·lisʹtines came up and camped in Judah and were tramping about in Leʹhi.

50. Long years of war, with the constant Billetings and tramping of troops across the country, had brought widespread ruin

51. But a gentleman on tramp sees such a thundering lot of his boots.

52. You ain't no liquor-bellied saddle tramp, neither, like you're trying to be.

53. The tramp always keeps his eyes peeled for coins lying on the ground.

54. Synonyms for Bindlestiffs include homeless, beggars, derelicts, down-and-outs, drifters, itinerants, migrants, tramps, transients and vagabonds

55. (Isaiah 9:5) The tremors caused by the tramping of the boots of marching soldiers will never again be felt.

56. All were so shabby they might have been worn by a dressy tramp.

57. bindlestiff (plural Bindlestiffs) A tramp who carries a bedroll or a bundle of possessions.

58. Slaves tramp down creaking ships’ ramps, bowing under the weight of imported treasures.

59. Start with you and we'll have every tramp on the south side over here.

60. To her right, a tramp stroked a flurry of tuneless notes from a violin.

61. Synonyms for Clomp include clump, galumph, stamp, trudge, clop, clunk, lumber, plod, stomp and tramp

62. 13 To her right, a tramp stroked a flurry of tuneless notes from a violin.

63. The tramp tossed the empty cup away and shuffled off in the other direction.

64. I swung on the gate, watching the tramp wolf down the sandwich and drain the cup.

65. You may know it by a different name such as hiking, tramping, hill walking, rambling or trekking. Bushwalking covers a wide spectrum of …

66. Throughout the 1980s, the Tramp image was used by IBM to advertise their personal computers.

67. 20 The tramp bailed up the rancher to ask him for some food and drink.

68. These prejudices are rooted in the idea that every tramp ipso facto, is a blackguard.

69. The White Paper proposal regarding the treatment of the tramp and cabotage services can be accepted.

70. We tramp another furlong or so, and he says that mars A is a charming woman.

71. Synonyms for Beggar include tramp, mendicant, bum, derelict, hobo, scrounger, vagabond, down-and-out, pauper and vagrant

72. It's a fishy story that a tramp deposited quite a lot of money in the bank yesterday.

73. We tramp another furlong or so and he says that Mrs. A is a charming woman.

74. Cyclops Print Works #93 – Lady and the Tramp "Eat-aly in Italy" – by Benjamin Burch

75. An old tramp was sleeping under Waterloo Bridge, his coat wrapped tight to keep out the cold.

76. 7 Words such as tramp, hobo and vagrant offended him, terms bandied about by an unsympathetic society.

77. Back at the anchor vantage point, I met a dreamy-eyed tramp-like man of about fifty.

78. The tramp had fallen forward on to his face, his body twitching madly, blood spreading out around his head.

79. Variously called Bindlestiffs, fruit tramps, hoboes, and bums, these men—and women and children—were vital to the creation of the West and its economy

80. Bivouac Outdoor provides quality outdoor clothing, camping gear and outdoor equipment from the world’s best brands for camping, climbing, tramping, training, snow sports and travel